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$ 26.00
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Hot Sulphur Springs Day Pass
Product ID: 80918
Supplied by: Hot Sulphur Springs Resort and Spa

Hot Sulphur Springs is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Hike and camp on untouched terrain, catch fish at the Gold Medal Waters or enjoy a unique spa experience boasting 22 pools and private baths plus a full suite of standard day spa services. Heal your mind, body, and spirit in the warm, soothing waters that make Hot Sulphur Springs famous.
Open 365 days a year from 8 am - 10 pm.
Last walk-in at 9:15 pm.

Duration: 1 day
Offered languages: English

Additional Information

No Alcohol, Smoking, Vaping or Eating allowed in the Pool Areas.
Please remind your guest to bring towels, flip flops and a bathing suit, along with a change of clothes.

Cancellation policy

If you need to make changes or cancel reservation, you will need to do so no later than 24 hours in advance.

Venue address

Hot Sulphur Springs Resort and Spa
5609 Spring Rd, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451, USA
Product map